Thursday, July 17, 2014

What's Happened So Far with EMDR

If you follow my blog, you might have stopped because I haven't posted in such a long time. Or, maybe you've wondered what has happened since I started EMDR therapy. Well, I'll catch you up.

EMDR has helped me bring out a lot of things that could potentially be causes for my anxiety. I've been able to discuss some of my deepest fears, my sadness, and found grief I didn't even know existed. As I promised myself from the start, I've been completely honest with my therapist, which I haven't always been in the past. It's been a rough, rocky, tear-filled journey so far. In short, I hate it.
But, my panic attacks have subsided. That's the part that makes it worthwhile. Here's what isn't so pleasant. My generalized anxiety and depression have deepened. I've also gone through spells of intense anger, which my therapist says is normal as you go through EMDR.

In the midst of this, I've started a new job. I'm with the same company, but it's a new job, nonetheless. Probably not the best timing, but life happens and I've always been able to cope with life. It's a job I wanted, so I didn't want to turn it down. So, my general anxiety at work is very high. According to my therapist, it takes three to six months to adjust to a new job. I'm about six weeks in, so I'm looking forward to some of the anxiety dissipating in another six weeks or so. In the meantime, I'm using my bag of techniques from CBT-Meditation, grounding, affirmations, acceptance, yoga.

As I continue to work through, I'll keep you posted on how it's going. In the meantime, if you've had EMDR therapy, please let me know in the comments section. I'd like to hear your results. Thanks for reading and being patient when I take a break!